Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Dancing in Freedom/Sitting with Senators

We had another powerful Sunday that was packed with prayer, praise, worship and Spirit-filled preaching. Since we're in Hawaii, we use modest hula dancing as part of our worship to God. Hula is new to me and I have really enjoyed being taught by very Godly Hawaiian women. I have always struggled with a fear of getting up in front of people, whether it's to speak, act, dance, or do anything! This morning, a wonderful thing happened. I was able to get up and dance to a song called, "Come, Holy Spirit," and I did it without fear. An amazing peace came over me and I felt so close to the throne of God. In my mind, it was just me and God in that place. My husband called for the team to dance again at the end of service and as we danced, I heard people weeping. At one point, I noticed a woman laying face down in front of us and then my husband came and knelt on the ground where we were dancing. It was as if a door had been unlocked to the Kingdom and people were openly expressing their worship to God. Others stayed in their seats, holding Kleenex to their eyes. Then, people prayed for one another; some for the next hour!

The Tuesday after service, my husband flew to Oahu for a lunch with the Lieutenant Governor. I prayed that God would open a door for him to speak about the spiritual climate of Hawaii and what God was doing in Maui. Well, when he arrived, he found that the Lt. Governor could not be there, but he ended up sitting at a table with 12 men, some of who were senators and congressmen. Someone made the statement that "these men are the movers and shakers!" They all spoke of economics and wealth. Finally, one of them turned to my husband and, perhaps somewhat mockingly, asked, "So, you're a preacher....what does God say about economics?" My husband thought to himself, "Oh, it goes." He began telling them about true wealth in the Kingdom of God and what Jesus came to do....that all that other stuff really doesn't matter in the big picture. He mentioned healing the sick and how Jesus touched the poor. Now, with the attention of the entire table, one man asked, "So, you believe that miracles happen?" My husband then told of several testimonies that we recently experienced. They all listened carefully and seemed a bit surprised. My husband was treated well after that and he was able to share more with individuals who spoke to him afterwards. It is so neat how God opens the doors and confounds the "wise." I believe this was a divine appointment and I know that good seed was planted that will flourish and produce good fruit.

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