Thursday, August 9, 2007

6-year-old Healed From Knee Injury!

One really awesome thing happened in my class tonight!! A 6-year-old boy, Matthew, was injured at school yesterday and his knee continued to swell and he could not walk today, so his dad carried him into the doctor's office. The doctor said that his meniscus was probably torn. His knee was visibly swollen and red and he could not straighten his leg. It was also full of fluid. Tonight, he came hopping into my class and looked very uncomfortable. He asked if we would pray for him, so I had the class gather around him and we laid hands on his knee. After prayer, we sat down and continued the class. Towards the end, during playtime, he began running around the room. I asked, "How is your knee?" "Better," he shouted.

His mother came in to get him and they went into the sanctuary for more prayer. Three people prayed for his leg and he came running back into my class VERY quickly! I looked at his knee and I could not see any swelling. I said, "I can't believe it!" I suddenly realized what I had said, so I corrected my statement to, "I CAN believe it!" Matthew seemed so excited to be running around and he made sure that everyone noticed, too. His parents were very happy! Thank you, Lord.

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