Saturday, August 18, 2007

Boy's Arm is Healed

Last Saturday, my husband and I ran into a family from church and we noticed that their son, Kekoa, had his arm in a sling. He had been injured at school and the doctor did an X-ray, but told them they would have to wait for the specialist to come in on Monday to review the results before they could determine whether or not it was broken (typical Hawaiian healthcare). My husband prayed for Kekoa and then we left.

I saw his mother on Wednesday and she informed me that, after the prayer, Kekoa told her, "I know that God is healing my arm." He began using his arm as if it were normal. On Monday, the doctor called and told them, "We see something on the X-ray, so you'll need to bring him back in." The mom said, "But he's using his arm just fine. He doesn't hurt and it's normal." The doctor told her to come have it checked anyway, so we're waiting to hear what they found on the X-ray. This should be interesting!

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