Sunday, July 29, 2007

More Amazing Things.....

My husband is blogging about his experiences at:

I am only writing about my first-hand, up-close and personal experiences, so there are actually several miraculous events that I have not mentioned on this particular blog. So please see his blog for some really cool things!!

This past Wednesday night, a man from the other side of the island came to visit our church and he ended up sharing some things that God is doing. Afterwards, he walked over to someone who had survived a suicide attempt and he said to that person, "The thing that tried to kill you is broken. You will write things that will set people free." The man who spoke this knew nothing about this person.

We have seen God break addictions in people's lives, from alcohol to meth. We have watched little children lay hands on their own parents to ask God for healing. In one case, a mother was able to walk out without her crutches and without a limp! She had been on crutches and in lots of pain for several weeks due to a torn ligament. Last week, I thought that I should go over and pray for her, but I talked myself out of it and decided that I could quietly pray for her on my own. Well, leave it to the faith of a child! I have lots to learn.

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