Thursday, July 19, 2007

She Told Me My Dreams.....

Today, I had a good day as I taught my children their language arts lessons and then I prepared to teach my Wednesday night class about the armor of God. Throughout the day, I kept saying, "Lord, what can I write about on my blog tonight that would be really cool?" At first, I thought it might be about my children's class. While it was very good and the kids seem to understand more about the armor of God, that was not the miraculous event of the day.

After I dismissed my class, I cleaned up the room and then waited for my husband who was closing a class that he was teaching about the Kingdom of God. I was ready to leave! I was hungry and tired. I walked into the church sanctuary and met a woman named Rae. After a brief introduction, she said to me, "God showed me some things about you that I would like to share with you if you have time." I was a bit cautious at first.....I mean, God is talking to someone about me?? Oh, boy. That sounds scary. I told the woman I would like to hear what she had to say, especially since she knows nothing about me. She has only lived on the island for 2 weeks.

She opened her Bible and read a few scriptures, which really spoke to me about some things I had been feeling in my heart. ***It all had to do with God wanting to remove my timidity so that I could do more of what He was asking, as far as sharing His heart with people. She said that God looked at me as Gideon; a warrior. That's funny, because I recently had a dream about me being like a warrior.
***Then she spoke of Timothy and how God spoke to him about stirring up the gift that God had placed in him. The interesting thing about that is that I just asked God yesterday in my private prayer time to bring out the gifts He had placed within me.
***She told me: "Where you were before, you were like Gideon threshing the wheat in a winepress. He did not thresh the wheat out in the open where he should have been doing it, but he hid inside the winepress doing the work. God has brought you here to bring you out of the winepress. It's time to do the work out in the open." This was interesting to me, because my husband always tried to get me to do more publicly at our former church, but something held me back. I felt smothered, judged, and was sometimes treated as a child (not by my husband). He was also treated that way as well. Now I see him flourishing. It's as if we were pressed down by some spirit that wanted to make us ineffective.
***Next, she read something out of Jeremiah. It was about God telling Jeremiah to go and speak to the nations and Jeremiah saw himself as a child, without the ability to do what God was asking. was just this past week that I had told God that I don't have what it takes to speak well. I am not the best communicator. This scripture really hit home.
***Finally, she said I would be dancing for the Lord and that my dancing would be used to usher in the King (Jesus). Just a few months ago, I joined the church dance team. Here's the wildest part: she began to describe a dream I had about standing on a mountain, barefooted and dancing in a field of flowers. In the dream, my husband was playing the guitar and I felt great joy. As I danced, I knew that Jesus was about to come. She described my dream in detail. This is a dream that I had about 3 years ago and I had only shared it with my husband.

I wondered if the woman was an angel or simply a human with a true prophetic gift. I don't know, but all I DO know is that God really addressed everything I've been talking to Him about in private and that is truly amazing. I feel peace tonight because I have been reminded that He hears and He desires to respond. I also feel a bit uneasy with what it is that He is going to do in me and through me, but it's also exhilarating to know there is more to come. Isn't God awesome???


Anonymous said...

You are amazing and I am so glad that we are here to watch this happen!!! You will be what God has called you to be :)

als said...

That's amazing! I'm so glad you started this blog! I actually have a (paper) journal that I use to record such things as well! Really a great thing to look to when you have those moments like God doesn't care.
Thanks for sharing!