Friday, July 20, 2007

Lunch with the Lieutenant Governor

My husband and I have really had the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii on our minds a lot lately. I have been praying for them and especially felt the need to pray for the Lt. Governor, Duke Aiona, and his family. My husband has been greatly inspired by what he has learned about the Christian heritage here in Hawaii, and he had hoped to have a moment to discuss it with someone in authority over the state. Well, that may happen at the end of this month.

My husband was introduced to an elderly, wealthy landowner on Maui. This man is related to the first missionaries that came to Hawaii, who were part of ushering in a great revival. Through a series of meetings, my husband was asked to do a favor for this older gentleman. He helped the man to find a rare copy of something on DVD, and the man was so grateful that he has asked my husband to accompany him to a private lunch with the Lieutenant Governor. He bought my husband's airfare to Oahu, so they will be dining together in a few days.

We are praying about this divine appointment and believing that there will be an open door to discuss what the Lord is doing in Hawaii. The Governor and Lt. Governor are both Christian people, so that should not be too hard!