Monday, July 23, 2007

Wonderful Sunday

Wow! Where do I start? We had a great Sunday morning service. It was a beautiful, breezy, sunny day (as are most days in Hawaii). This day felt particularly good. The Spirit of God was evident and I found that my heart was overflowing with the desire to give something to Him.

We had a wonderful time of worship in which the hula dancers so beautifully worshipped God. The children came forward and performed a song they learned. We had a time of prayer over a friend who is being ordained and then my husband preached. Something very different happened as he preached. There were several moments when the Holy Spirit was so present that I sensed my husband was having a difficult time expressing the fullness in his heart. When he would begin to express it, his voice would crack and his eyes sparkled, full of tears. I noticed several people dabbing their eyes with Kleenex. The atmosphere in the room was sweet and you could taste the desire of God that filled the room.

Our secretary called at the start of service to let us know that her grandfather had been rushed into the hospital. The doctor told them they needed to make him as comfortable as possible because he would not live much longer. Our secretary asked for prayer and she refused to believe the report that her grandpa would die. At the end of the service, someone came in to tell us that she had called again.....this time, the news was that grandpa's vitals were all normal. He made an incredible comeback and he would be just fine!! There was much rejoicing.

After service, some people lingered and prayed for one another. We finally left at 2:30pm!

That evening, we had guests from Texas come for dinner. The evening was sweet and we stayed up very late having prayer. We marvelled at all that God has done in our lives over the past two years. There is so much to write about, that it would take several blog pages, so I won't go into detail. Finally, we began reading over a book about the history of Hawaii and God filled our hearts with a vision and plan that we are taking to prayer. I cannot write about that just yet, but we feel that we have a better idea about why we are here and what God wants us to do.

One other cool thing: I woke up this morning with hope for my family and friends back in Texas. Usually, I wake up with a longing to see them. I still desire to see them, but this morning I feel an assurance that God is taking care of them and He has something special for them while we are away. I simply have to trust Him and do what He has called us to do....and He will answer prayers for them. I am looking forward to what God is going to show us!!

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