Monday, July 20, 2009

The Touch of God in Euless, TX

My husband preached at a church in Euless this past Sunday and we had a fantastic time there! During the service, my husband mentioned several testimonies and it turned out that those testimonies began happening in the service. At least 8 people reported that they had long-term pains/injuries that were immediately healed. By the time we left the service, a man that had been in a wheelchair was up and walking around. An hour later, we received a text message, saying that he walked all the way to his car! I'm not sure what had been wrong with him, but all I know is that he could not walk, and now he walks!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Eyesight restored

Last week, four people in our church experienced restored eyesight after prayer. One of the young men did not know much about church or God, but was healed, so he accepted Jesus as his savior!


We recently received news from one of our school of ministry students, whose husband battled lupus for 10 years. After much prayer, the doctors can no longer find lupus in his system. He feels well and is overwhelmed with the love of God!

Healing after a stroke

Update from a friend:
"Leroy is doing very well. We are calling it a miracle. He indicated that he wanted the breathing tube out the same night that he had the "stroke". He was able to talk and understood what had happened. The next morning Trina said that he face was back to normal and he strength on both side of his body. The docs were amazed and now think it was only a TIA(mini stroke) because the symptoms disappeared so quickly. However, the reports of how he looked when he first came in would lead you to believe that was not the case. One couple the was in to see him when he first got there laid hands on him and prayed. The wife almost fainted when they stopped in yesterday when she saw him sitting up, laughing and joking with people! They are going to take an MRI, EKG and some other tests today just to make sure everything is ok. I would guess that he will be out tomorrow."

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Growth on Thyroid

I have a growth on my thyroid that has been growing for the last four years. Six weeks ago, I went to the doctor to have it checked and it had grown a lot. The doctor wanted to do a biopsy, but I told him I wanted to wait since I was at the appointment alone and that I would like to reschedule when my husband could be there with me. A little over a week later, we went to Redding for the Leaders' Advance at Bethel Church. While there, Bill Johnson was preaching and he paused, saying that we all should pray for people who have growths or tumors in/on their bodies. The lady next to me prayed for my thyroid.

This past Monday, Bill took me back to the doctor and I just knew that I would have a testimony. As the doctor did the ultrasound, he stopped on that same spot and began typing info into the computer. I was disappointed at first because i could tell that he was seeing something in there, but I quickly reminded myself that the growth HAD to have changed! I laid there on the table, silently praying that the Lord would just shrink it right there. In a few seconds the doctor said, "That is odd. This is just so odd. I need to compare something." He looked at my charts and said, "Well, it changed. It has shrunk....significantly. This is just so odd. These kinds of growths never shrink this much....and especially not this quickly." He said that it's now so small, that it's really insignificant.

I asked the doctor, "Well...can I tell you what happened?" He looked puzzled. I began to tell him about the church service and how we prayed. I told him some of the testimonies that happened while we were there. He smiled and shook his head. He said, "Well, what can I say?"

I left the office jumping up and excited! I have never been so happy to pay a medical bill in my life!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Teenagers Doing Street Ministry/Healing

My son is part of a group called Revivalist Academy. These teenagers regularly go out and pray for people. Today, my son's group went downtown to minister at Church Under the Bridge, where many homeless people gather for church service and free lunch. My son sent me the following text message: "I just prayed for a lady that had a bad left leg and a blood issue thing. She had a cane and after we prayed for her there was no pain and she stood up and threw her hands into the air and said it was healed. The swelling on her leg went down and she walked away without the cane!!"

God Runs The Cell Phone Store

Just wanted to share a favor story. Last week, our family banded together to get Bill a bluetooth device for his cell phone for his birthday. He had it less than 24 hours when it got dropped on the ground and stepped on, which destroyed it completely. Bill was really upset, knowing that Sprint will not replace something like that. We prayed together and asked God to manifest His favor in the situation, so we drove to Sprint, explained what happened, and the manager said, "I'm really sorry, but we can't replace this....BUT," and he turned to the lady working there and continued, "...go get him another one." He gave us a brand new bluetooth device!!!!! Praise God.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Testimonies This Week...

After a service that my hubby preached at this last Sunday, where healing prayers were released, a friend who attended posted this on her FB account: "I walked to our Wal-Mart, not far but about a mile. This is the first time I have been able to do it without pain. Ray says he has his wife back." Praise God!

My husband and I have been praying for God's provision so that we can pay our taxes by April 15th. In the natural, it was totally out of our reach to get these funds. My husband received a call on March 17th about a possible project that will pay him more than enough!

Another prayer we have prayed was that God would send us back to Maui for a visit and to be a part of the revival that's going on there. We received a phone call on March 17th (yes, two awesome phone calls in one day!) from the church there who has asked us to come and do some services/conference this summer! Yay!

I got a call today from a friend who bought a very special necklace for herself to remind her of new beginnings with God. It was a "symbol" to her of reassurance of all the good that God is doing in her life right now. She accidentally broke the necklace and was very depressed about it. She set it on her night stand, where it stayed for two weeks. Every time she looked at it, it broke her heart, so she asked God if He would fix it for her. She called today to tell me that she looked at the necklace and it was fixed! It's just like new!

A friend was telling me yesterday about how she prayed for a friend who had a 65% blockage in the heart. They prayed over her that she would not need surgery and that the blockage would leave. When the docs went in to do the procedure, it was only 20% blocked, so surgery was NOT necessary! The doctor said he did not know how that happened.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Healed of Cancer

Our pastor shared a testimony with us this week, from a woman who is a mother of five children. She was recently in the hospital with cancer. After the surgery, the doctor told her, "I'm sorry. There is nothing more we can do for you." She wept and wept. She and her husband, needless to say, were so devastated. As she was praying later on, she heard God say, "Reach up. Reach up and grab hold of the prayers of the saints." She actually reached her hand up and was struck with great joy. She could not stop worshipping God and rejoicing. Six weeks later, she went in for a scan to see how far the cancer had spread. The news came back: "You have NO cancer."

Broken Neck Healed

A young man was brought to our youth group this past Wednesday night. He had broken his neck several weeks ago in a football game and had been in lots of pain and could not completely turn his head. The youth gathered around him and prayed. He had an intense experience with God in which he was COMPLETELY healed! No pain! Full range of motion! He accepted Jesus as his Saviour.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Miracles in Nicaragua

Here's the latest from our friend, Earl:
In the morning service, a 13 year old girl who was deaf and dumb, came forward for prayer after healings had already taken place, a first for that church. She was prayed for and then went to the bathroom Suddenly people heard screaming from the bathroom and it was the girl. Her ears had opened up and they began testing her hearing and she was hearing. Then she began to say her first clear words, ¨mama, papa¨. The whole church began crying, what a beautiful moment.
I was in the church of the cuban pastor in Managua yesterday with Pastor Harry and Jairo. We work as a team. Yes, we saw an old man who could not walk well begin walking and jumping up and down like a kid. Other miracles took place as we had the people praying for the sick. There was a man there who is in the parliament and was invited to come. The pastor asked me to pray for him and God touched him prophetically and in his life and he crumpled under the presence of God. Later, as we were praying for the people, I asked him to pray for others also. He was shocked but haltingly did so. After awhile he really got into it and I heard afterwards that he came up to a panamanian evangelist and said, ¨Hey, I am praying for people!! Iwant to pray for you too¨ And he did so and he was just thrilled to actually be a part of this and I also found out that he wants to also become a pastor.
A young man who came to help at the crusade received an impartation and embraced the message. His father was in a hospital dying and the family was weeping at the bedside. This young man, fresh from the crusade, went to his papa and declared the kingdom of God over him. The power of God touched his dad. The doctor came in and could not find anything wrong with him, had the machines to check him out and thought the machines were not functioning so he called in another doctor. The dad is up walking around.
A woman who had a disease for 14 years was prayed for by another christian. I do not know the name of the disease in Spanish but it was in her legs and it is very painful and causes the skin to be black and blue. After prayer the pain left and the skin turned back to its normal color.
Another woman asked God to take her life because she was in so much pain and felt a ball within herself she said. A christian prayed for her and all the pain left and she felt the ball dissolve and she was beaming.
An elderly woman had a stomach disease and could not eat. When prayed for she was healed and began asking for food to eat.
The Cuban pastor has been hearing the message and preached at another crusade Saturday and began to see miracles of healing for the first time like that.
Embracing the message, impartation through revelation along with praying for the leaders and believers is beginning to take place.
At the internet place I am at, an unsaved young woman asked Harry and I to pray for her 3 month old niece dying of a kidney infection in the hospital. I told her the testimony of the baby we prayed for over the phone in Hawaii and how God touched him and we just held hands and prayed. The next day she said that her niece did not die but got better and the doctor said it was a miracle.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Baby's Intestines Healed

The following testimony is from our friends, Earl and Jana Thurner:
This is the testimony two days ago of an incredible miracle of the healing of Nainoa, the nboy of Nainoa Thompson over the phone.
I just got off the web researching the voyages of Hokulea, the double hulled canoe built to voyage as the native Hawaiians and Tahitians did years ago, using no instruments but the stars, winds, birds and nature to guide them to all the islands of the South Pacific. You can look it up and for many years voyages took place proving how the ancient polynesians inhabited all the islands.
Jana and I were invited to a prayer meeting in Waiehu, Maui by Kaatee, one of the leaders of the Maui Supernatural School of Ministry we established last year and now 3 schools on Maui and doing well. It was a meeting where she invited her employees and others to come for prayer for their needs and she wanted us there along with the overseer of our school now, Pastor Shannon.
A man named Charlie Maxwell came who if you recall was healed at our first school session and a leading voice for the Hawaiian culture and regularly on television speaking. He asked us if we would be so kind to pray for a baby of a friend of his, Nainoa Thompson, a name I had heard but I did not know the full story until I just went online. Nainoa Thompson was the first native Hawaiian in modern times to navigate a canoe thousands of miles without instruments across the Pacific. I had no idea that he literally led every voyage from 1976 on for nearly 20 years. He is a household name in Hawaii.
Charlie went on to say that Nainoa and his wife Kathy just had a baby boy who had 2 major surgeries and was scheduled this very moment to have another and he feared that the baby would not live through it. The problem was that the intestines of the baby were not joined and the doctors were going to operate again to try to solve the problem, it was their only hope. We were told that Nainoa was on the Hokulea but Charlie did not go into details.
We were told that Nainoa would call from the hospital after 8 and Charlie told him that we would pray for the baby. We were there for 2 hours and God was moving powerfully in the room and I personally ministered to Charlie mostly through the gift of faith and knowledge also of polynesian culture and as he said, his life was deeply touched and to have a Hawaiian of that stature say that to you is amazing in itself.
Nainoa called around 8:30 and Charlie put on the speaker phone to hear from Nainoa and Kathy. You could just feel the hurt and worry and weariness in their voices as Nainoa explained everything and his concern that his son would make it through the operation. Charlie said that he was going to do an Hawaiian chant and then have me pray. After the chant, I prayed the His kingdom would come and the child would be completely healed and Kaatee and Pastor Shannon prayed afterwards. Nainoa was touched of course and then today Jana and I heard the news.
When the doctor came in, he found that the temperature and blood pressure had suddenly became normal. Then he put the instrument, whatever they call it, to see inside the baby to ascertain where to operate. When he did so, he turned to the parents and said, there was no need for surgery as the intestines were perfectly joined together and the child was completely normal. He was shocked! He could not understand it and Nainoa said that some people on Maui prayed over the phone and God healed the baby!! He was completely overwhelmed by this miracle and wants to fly here to meet everyone. WOW! What a beautiful moment, what an amazing God and what joy to be a part of it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Healed Hand

Last week, a man with a broken hand received prayer. He had broken the hand awhile back, but never went to the doctor since he didn't have insurance, so the hand healed incorrectly and was deformed. After receiving prayer, his hand healed over night and is no longer deformed!!