Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Testimonies This Week...

After a service that my hubby preached at this last Sunday, where healing prayers were released, a friend who attended posted this on her FB account: "I walked to our Wal-Mart, not far but about a mile. This is the first time I have been able to do it without pain. Ray says he has his wife back." Praise God!

My husband and I have been praying for God's provision so that we can pay our taxes by April 15th. In the natural, it was totally out of our reach to get these funds. My husband received a call on March 17th about a possible project that will pay him more than enough!

Another prayer we have prayed was that God would send us back to Maui for a visit and to be a part of the revival that's going on there. We received a phone call on March 17th (yes, two awesome phone calls in one day!) from the church there who has asked us to come and do some services/conference this summer! Yay!

I got a call today from a friend who bought a very special necklace for herself to remind her of new beginnings with God. It was a "symbol" to her of reassurance of all the good that God is doing in her life right now. She accidentally broke the necklace and was very depressed about it. She set it on her night stand, where it stayed for two weeks. Every time she looked at it, it broke her heart, so she asked God if He would fix it for her. She called today to tell me that she looked at the necklace and it was fixed! It's just like new!

A friend was telling me yesterday about how she prayed for a friend who had a 65% blockage in the heart. They prayed over her that she would not need surgery and that the blockage would leave. When the docs went in to do the procedure, it was only 20% blocked, so surgery was NOT necessary! The doctor said he did not know how that happened.

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