Saturday, June 6, 2009

Growth on Thyroid

I have a growth on my thyroid that has been growing for the last four years. Six weeks ago, I went to the doctor to have it checked and it had grown a lot. The doctor wanted to do a biopsy, but I told him I wanted to wait since I was at the appointment alone and that I would like to reschedule when my husband could be there with me. A little over a week later, we went to Redding for the Leaders' Advance at Bethel Church. While there, Bill Johnson was preaching and he paused, saying that we all should pray for people who have growths or tumors in/on their bodies. The lady next to me prayed for my thyroid.

This past Monday, Bill took me back to the doctor and I just knew that I would have a testimony. As the doctor did the ultrasound, he stopped on that same spot and began typing info into the computer. I was disappointed at first because i could tell that he was seeing something in there, but I quickly reminded myself that the growth HAD to have changed! I laid there on the table, silently praying that the Lord would just shrink it right there. In a few seconds the doctor said, "That is odd. This is just so odd. I need to compare something." He looked at my charts and said, "Well, it changed. It has shrunk....significantly. This is just so odd. These kinds of growths never shrink this much....and especially not this quickly." He said that it's now so small, that it's really insignificant.

I asked the doctor, "Well...can I tell you what happened?" He looked puzzled. I began to tell him about the church service and how we prayed. I told him some of the testimonies that happened while we were there. He smiled and shook his head. He said, "Well, what can I say?"

I left the office jumping up and excited! I have never been so happy to pay a medical bill in my life!

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