Monday, June 29, 2009

Healing after a stroke

Update from a friend:
"Leroy is doing very well. We are calling it a miracle. He indicated that he wanted the breathing tube out the same night that he had the "stroke". He was able to talk and understood what had happened. The next morning Trina said that he face was back to normal and he strength on both side of his body. The docs were amazed and now think it was only a TIA(mini stroke) because the symptoms disappeared so quickly. However, the reports of how he looked when he first came in would lead you to believe that was not the case. One couple the was in to see him when he first got there laid hands on him and prayed. The wife almost fainted when they stopped in yesterday when she saw him sitting up, laughing and joking with people! They are going to take an MRI, EKG and some other tests today just to make sure everything is ok. I would guess that he will be out tomorrow."

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