Saturday, January 17, 2009

Baby's Intestines Healed

The following testimony is from our friends, Earl and Jana Thurner:
This is the testimony two days ago of an incredible miracle of the healing of Nainoa, the nboy of Nainoa Thompson over the phone.
I just got off the web researching the voyages of Hokulea, the double hulled canoe built to voyage as the native Hawaiians and Tahitians did years ago, using no instruments but the stars, winds, birds and nature to guide them to all the islands of the South Pacific. You can look it up and for many years voyages took place proving how the ancient polynesians inhabited all the islands.
Jana and I were invited to a prayer meeting in Waiehu, Maui by Kaatee, one of the leaders of the Maui Supernatural School of Ministry we established last year and now 3 schools on Maui and doing well. It was a meeting where she invited her employees and others to come for prayer for their needs and she wanted us there along with the overseer of our school now, Pastor Shannon.
A man named Charlie Maxwell came who if you recall was healed at our first school session and a leading voice for the Hawaiian culture and regularly on television speaking. He asked us if we would be so kind to pray for a baby of a friend of his, Nainoa Thompson, a name I had heard but I did not know the full story until I just went online. Nainoa Thompson was the first native Hawaiian in modern times to navigate a canoe thousands of miles without instruments across the Pacific. I had no idea that he literally led every voyage from 1976 on for nearly 20 years. He is a household name in Hawaii.
Charlie went on to say that Nainoa and his wife Kathy just had a baby boy who had 2 major surgeries and was scheduled this very moment to have another and he feared that the baby would not live through it. The problem was that the intestines of the baby were not joined and the doctors were going to operate again to try to solve the problem, it was their only hope. We were told that Nainoa was on the Hokulea but Charlie did not go into details.
We were told that Nainoa would call from the hospital after 8 and Charlie told him that we would pray for the baby. We were there for 2 hours and God was moving powerfully in the room and I personally ministered to Charlie mostly through the gift of faith and knowledge also of polynesian culture and as he said, his life was deeply touched and to have a Hawaiian of that stature say that to you is amazing in itself.
Nainoa called around 8:30 and Charlie put on the speaker phone to hear from Nainoa and Kathy. You could just feel the hurt and worry and weariness in their voices as Nainoa explained everything and his concern that his son would make it through the operation. Charlie said that he was going to do an Hawaiian chant and then have me pray. After the chant, I prayed the His kingdom would come and the child would be completely healed and Kaatee and Pastor Shannon prayed afterwards. Nainoa was touched of course and then today Jana and I heard the news.
When the doctor came in, he found that the temperature and blood pressure had suddenly became normal. Then he put the instrument, whatever they call it, to see inside the baby to ascertain where to operate. When he did so, he turned to the parents and said, there was no need for surgery as the intestines were perfectly joined together and the child was completely normal. He was shocked! He could not understand it and Nainoa said that some people on Maui prayed over the phone and God healed the baby!! He was completely overwhelmed by this miracle and wants to fly here to meet everyone. WOW! What a beautiful moment, what an amazing God and what joy to be a part of it.

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