Sunday, October 19, 2008

This Week....

There are many reports of God's favor, for example, people getting jobs that they thought were nearly impossible, God returning lost items to people, and God delivering people from potentially bad situations. One situation involved the Lord actually changing a mistake in a catalog (2,000,000 copies) that saved our friends' job!

My husband lost a set of keys last week. We looked everywhere for them, even dumping his briefcase/bag....still, no keys. He left to teach his class and at the end, he asked someone to pray with him for his keys to turn up. When he went to get something from his bag, the keys were right there!

Also, our pastor received an email from a woman in our church, saying that she prayed for a woman with a twisted, swollen ankle. The Lord immediately touched her and all the pain left. Pastor Charles also received another email from a local pastor who was supposed to have surgery on an injured limb. After prayer, all pain left and after ten days without pain, he cancelled the surgery. He is doing well!

And here is a neat one from me: after paying bills and balancing my checkbook, I knew I was a bit limited and had XX amount of money left, so I have been extra frugal all week. Today, when I looked in my checkbook, somehow there was a lot more money in it. I don't know how it's all in my handwriting, but nothing matches up with what I KNOW I had written in there. Strange, but really awesome!

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