Friday, October 10, 2008

From A Friend in Nicaragua

I just received an email update from a friend in Nicaragua. Here's what it is happening:
A woman who we prayed for who was unable to have a baby was prayed for in July. While we praying for the sick last night she came up to testify that the miracle took place. She was pregnant but there was no movement in her womb and she had this sense that something was wrong. While I was preaching last night the presence of God just descended on her and she started feeling the baby move in her womb, just felt a lot of activity which is interesting as it is only 3 plus months along but she knew the child was alive!! She was just so overjoyed!
As soon as she was done, another woman got up and said that in July she came for prayer but not for herself but her husband who was at work and in severe pain constantly because of an inflammation in his body in stomach and back area. So we prayed and he was at work, she was in the church, and at that moment he was completely healed while he was working! He was in the service last night and I asked him if it was true and he said yes, that as he was working all the pain left his body and he has not had it since!
Then the husband of the woman pastor came to the pulpit. In that service in July, he was in the house and not in the service. The house is built to have a large meeting place for church and he was in the bedroom. He said he was listening to me speak and heard me say to put your hands on the area where you need healing, and I never even remembered saying that by the way. He was in severe pain and could not move and had a large tumor in his stomach.
So he lay flat, put his hand on his stomach and believed God to touch him. The next morning most of the pain was gone. The day after that, all the pain was gone and the tumor had shrunk to very small!
He was scheduled for surgery 2 days later and went anyway and watched the doctors freak out because the tumor was gone, he was pain free and completely healed! He told them what happened and they were incredulous! The testimonies of the Lord will fill the earth in this hour!!
In one service, there were miracles there besides the pregnant story, then a man in another room laying hands on himself and a man not even there being healed when someone stands in for him. What a great night in the kingdom!!

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