Saturday, December 13, 2008

The River of God

We attended a church service last week that blew my mind. There was such peace and tranquility as Mahesh Chavda shared the gospel in his quiet, "no frills" way. At the end of the service, he and several of our leaders formed a line (like a tunnel) and people began walking through it as the people prayed for them. It was sweet and simple. As I stood outside of the line, I prayed for people, as well. About an hour later, as the line of people dwindled down, it was my turn to go through. I was already having a hard time standing. As people passed by me, it was as if I was being hit with waves of warm "water." The peace was amazing. I found my knees trying to buckle, but I stood firm. Finally, I sat down...but now it was my turn to go through, so I made my way toward the leaders. The closer I got, the more wonderful the "river" of warmth around my legs and I felt the way that I suppose someone would feel after a few glasses of wine. Before I even got to the leaders, I began to fall forward, it seemed in slow motion. No one had touched me, but I could see them reaching out to keep me from falling. Next thing I knew, I was being carried. I felt arms around my waist and under my arms; people trying to lift me up and they were laughing. I heard one man say, "She can't handle her liquor!" I tried so hard to stand, but my body was as limp as a noodle...and it felt wonderful! It was like being in a pool of peace...a warm river..the presence of God. I began to giggle at myself as I tried to stand. There was no strength in my legs but it felt so good. I could not open my eyes to look around me because I was basking in God's glorious presence. Finally, I was carried out of the line and set aside on the steps.

I went home, amazed at what had happened. I went to bed smiling. After awhile, I awoke myself with giggling and I looked at the was 3am! I still felt so full of joy and peace.

Ever since that night, I have had incredible dreams every night, of being with God. On top of that, I am discovering that even when things are not so great, all I have to do is think about that moment and I start giggling again and I feel peace.

God is so good. I want to stay in that place with Him. I am learning to step into that place even when there is so much going wrong around me...and I find strength.

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