Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Miracles in Texas and Abroad

I am so behind on posting here. Here are a few things that have happened recently.
1. On the college campus, my husband spoke to the campus ministry team and encouraged them to step out in praying for people. They prayed for a young man who had crushed his hand earlier that morning. He could not move some of his fingers. As they prayed for him, the pain began to leave and he could move his hand.
2. In a Bible study last week, a man's torn rotator cuff was healed. He raised his arm above his head.
3. Numerous divine appointments have occurred in this last month. I should have written about each of them when it happened, but over all, God used words of knowledge to reach hurting ministers and to spark new life where they were beginning to burn out.
4. We received a prayer request for a 17-year-old who had fallen out of a truck and hit his head, which caused him to be in a coma. Several people have prayed for him this week. This morning, I received word that he is awake and being weaned off of his ventilator.
5. A few weeks ago, we were asked to pray for a little girl who was unconscious after a television fell on her. Blood was coming from her ears and she was air-lifted to the hospital. Many people prayed and she is now doing well.

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