Wednesday, February 20, 2008

MRI Report After Stroke

Here's an interesting one:
My father-in-law suffered a stroke a week ago. He was completely unresponsive, unable to move, talk or make eye contact. The CT scan showed a definite stroke in the left, frontal area of the brain. The neurologist told us it would be a long road to recovery and he said, "Do not expect any change overnight." The very next morning, my father-in-law was speaking clearly and carrying on conversation, walking around and able to function. They decided to take him in for an MRI with the dye to get a better look at the damage. The MRI showed a normal brain with absolutely NO damage and NO sign of a stroke.

Here's the tricky part: about two days later, he began having trouble putting his words together. He is still functioning well, except for his speech. BUT he can say, "Praise the Lord. Thank You, Jesus. Hallelujah. Amen." All he can do is praise the Lord. Today, we had prayer for him for quite awhile and then he was able to say some other words....and even a couple of sentences. We know that God touched him and we are expecting full recovery.

1 comment:

dhoop kinara said...

wish him health and a speedy recovery