Thursday, May 1, 2008

And Suddenly....

We have been praying for almost 8 months for the healing of my sister's arm. During her visit to Maui last September, she was on a boogie board at Big Beach when a huge wave pushed her into the sand, breaking her shoulder. Ever since that time, she had been unable to lift her arm up completely and it was really weak. Every day, she would try to lift it and exercise it, but it would not go beyond a certain point and it was very painful. Each day, she would give it a try. Last weekend, she initiated this exercise routine, and SUDDENLY, she had full range of motion and there is no more pain!! When I came to her house, she said, excitedly, "Look! Look what I can do." I am so joyful and extremely grateful to God for touching her arm.
We prayed for months, fervently, to see this happen. I do not know why it took so long, but when it did happen, it was suddenly. It's as if our prayers finally got through and Heaven was opened up to our cry. Thank You, Lord.

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