Thursday, February 14, 2008

Chronic Back Pain Healed/Stroke Recovery Overnight

Last week, we attended a conference about the Kingdom of God, where a man reluctantly came with his daughter. The man has dealt with chronic, intense back pain for years....he has endured surgery, injections and tried every alternative option available to relieve the pain, yet he could not get free from it. During the conference, he went outside because his back was hurting too badly to sit down. When he came back in, he felt the presence of God all over him and all the pain left. This week, he has worked hard labor WITHOUT PAIN! He can't believe it. He reports that the pain has not returned.

My father-in-law had a stroke yesterday and could not move at first. He regained movement within a couple of hours, but his speech was not right. He could not form words or communicate what he was trying to say. The doctor told us last night, after seeing the CAT scan and other tests, that we should not expect change over night and that this could be a long road to recovery. My mother-in-law said, "We believe in miracles." This morning, my father-in-law woke up, speaking well and has his sense of humor back! We are thanking God for quick recovery.

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