Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hearing Restored

Today, my husband was invited to speak at another local church. After service, he was praying for people. As he laid his hands on one man to pray, my husband's ears went completely numb. He realized that God wanted him to pray for the man's ears, so he asked, "Do you have a problem with your ears?" The man replied, "Yes. I haven't been able to hear very well for years." My husband began praying for the man's ears and after a short time the numbness left. The man said, "Wow. Everything just got louder. That's amazing!"


LinaRyan said...

I'm believing for my own healing in the area of hearing. I'm excited and encouraged to see my Heavenly Father working in a country on the other side of the world and looking forward to the day I get to claim that healing as mine.

Thank you so much for sharing the miracles in your life - they help build up my faith. :)

Anonymous said...

We are praying for my 3 year old daughter, ABZ, to have a miracle of hearing as well. We know God wants to heal her because of what He's done so far. Any advice or prayers would be greatly appreciated.