Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Healings/Miracles from this week

#1. We saw asthma healed.
#2. A family who prayed for years for their son to return to God had their prayers answered after putting a prayer cloth in his wallet. He suddenly showed up to church, hungry to get to God.
#3. A man with no more money and about to file bankruptcy submitted his financial situation to God and $50,000 showed up within 48 hours from various sources.
#4. A man who had to resign his career with the Marines due to bad knees (lack of cartilage) was instantly healed. He hiked 2 miles up a mountain and ran around to test this healing and he has NO pain.
#5. We prayed over a man with severe ear and head pain. The doctors ran many tests and could not find the source of the pain, so they were referring him to a specialist. After prayer, all pain left and he is healed.
#6. A 12-yr.-old boy in our church was overcome by the Holy Spirit and began speaking in another language, weeping and having joy in the Lord.

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