Friday, July 16, 2010

Healings and Passports

I hardly get on here anymore to write, so I have missed reporting numerous wonderful things. Let's see...backs have been healed, ankles, broken bones, and more importantly, broken hearts. My husband saw a lady in Ohio who was on a walker, crippled by a stroke...but after prayer, she straightened up and walked without any problem. Her family and friends were amazed as she showed no more signs of the stroke.

My family and I felt compelled to get our passports, so we miraculously got an appointment at a post office within 30 minutes, where people typically were having to wait 2 to 3 weeks for an appointment. We got to the counter and filled out paperwork...the clerk told my husband that he had the wrong birth certificate and there was no way it would be accepted. He suggested submitting it while my husband got the certified copy. He also said that passports were taking about 8 weeks to process. Long story short, we received all of our passports (even husband's) in the mail 11 days later!! Wow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sunday, Nov.7
Please, please pray for my 3 year old, daughter, A! I know God wants to heal her and give her perfect hearing! I tell the doctors that God will heal her and they laugh at me and blatantly make fun of me but I know it's true. We know of two families whose children had hearing restored and I know God shared those people in our lives because we've been praying and begging for His healing. I know He will heal her too. My husband and I are so broken emotionally and phsyically from all the negative things doctors, friends and even some family tell us that God can't or won't heal her. Please pray for her because even though we keep praying and knocking like that woman with the judge in the Bible, we are so exhausted, we desperately need your help! Thank you with all my heart for anything you can do to help us. I know I will be writing you soon of her healing. It's been just over a year and she's better than they said was ever possible but she has a long way to go. thank you, thank you, thank you for your kindness!