Saturday, August 16, 2008

My Son's Eyes Are Healed!!!!

I am so thankful, so amazed, and really having a hard time finding the right words to express how I feel! My son just returned from youth camp and he came back without his glasses. He had terrible eyesight, previously, and the eye doctor had told me it would only get worse. Well, God thought differently.

During a service at the youth camp, the speaker was telling about someone in his church that received healing for their eyesight. While he was saying this, someone sitting next to my son decided to lay hands on my son's eyes and pray for him. My son said that a couple of minutes later, he noticed that his eyes were "focusing." He took off his glasses and he could see everything perfectly. He is normally a shy type who does not like to draw attention to himself, but he decided this was worth sharing, so he stood up in the middle of the service and got the speaker's attention to tell him that his eyes were healed! They called him up front and thanked God for the miracle.

Today, my husband and I tested his eyesight by having him read things and describe things that are far away. Before, he could not even tell who was in the same room with him without his glasses and words would appear as a big, dark spot. Today, however, he described and read everything perfectly WITHOUT his glasses!!! In fact, he could read things that my husband could not even read, and my son's eyesight had been WORSE than my husband's eyesight. We are absolutely amazed by God and rejoicing over what has happened! Needless to say, my son has been asked by a lot of people to pray for their eyesight and he is having a blast sharing what God has done. Thank You, Lord! (As I type this, he is watching the T.V. from across the room, and he is NOT squinting to see!)

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