Tuesday, May 13, 2008

God Touches a Friend Going Through Chemotherapy

In this particular post, my friend, Karol (pictured in the center), has not yet received total healing (that we know of), but she has allowed me to post what she wrote about how the Lord touched and encouraged her this past Mother's Day.

Karol writes:
Hi everyone -

I know that this is a group of awesome believers who have blessed me with their prayers and their support so I am asking for your continued support as I go forward.

Last week was truly one of the hardest weeks, after the chemotherapy, which I approached with trepidation (unlike the peace I had the previous time), I got very ill.
Not just side-effects from the chemo but the reaction apparently that I had to the drug they gave me after the chemo to strengthen my bones.
3 trips in 3 days to Kaiser without anything that provided relief.

I really wanted to get to service at Grace on Sunday and so with a lot of help from Keoni actually made it there, but I was barely hanging on. Then Michelle sent Ethan Finnberg to get me,
and bring me to children's church. she said that she really felt the Lord telling her to have the children pray for me. And so I was blessed to have little hands laid on me and little voices, some
barely raised, but all praying for my well being. One of the children started to sing, " Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that you're my God."

What an incredible moment. As Michelle encouraged others to sing I felt something lift off me, I felt this shift, not like a lightening bolt, more like a little scoot over happen. And holding those little hands,
feeling their faith, my faith began to rise.

I realized that I was the only one standing in the way of my receiving the healing God had for me, that people were praying I would receive, that I did truly want in my heart, but somewhere thought that I did not deserve.
I realized that I had to put aside anything and everything that made me doubt, all things self-centered, so that healing could be mine, and like the small children who were praying for me, step up in faith and claim the promises God had made.

I started to sing with the children, what a joy what a sense I cannot describe. I felt transformed by this encounter.

I went back into regular service and when Shannon was done speaking about some of the incredible experiences that he, Michelle and Kaatee had had at Redding and at Lakeland Florida, he went through the congregation,
and when he touched my hand I could feel the power of God flowing through him so strongly, it caused another shift in me.

So, sorry this is so long, but I realized after all of this that I can't go back and do the chemo again. I have no peace about it, I feel that God is directing me to go at this another way. I am going to do everything to get
my body healthy and well naturally, as well as zealously pursuing God's complete healing in my body - so I am believing that God is going to find a way for me to get to Redding, because since Bill Johnson has called out
a cancer free zone, I beleive that if I simply enter the area the cancer will not be able to stay.

I am asking you all to partner with me in prayer and support for this to come to fruition. I know that I have to lay down everything, my life , everything I love an hold dear and am asking God to take it all and use it, however He wishes,
because without Him I am nothing, without Him it means nothing, without Him there is nothing. I want Him to use me, I long to bring His presence to people who don't know Him.

I have no idea what will happen next but I have hope and I have faith (2 things I was in serious short supply of last week) and I will do whatever He tells me to do and go wherever He tells me to go to glorify His name and to make His love a reality to people.

I love you all, and thank God for the blessings you have poured out on my life and continue to pour out on my life.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

And Suddenly....

We have been praying for almost 8 months for the healing of my sister's arm. During her visit to Maui last September, she was on a boogie board at Big Beach when a huge wave pushed her into the sand, breaking her shoulder. Ever since that time, she had been unable to lift her arm up completely and it was really weak. Every day, she would try to lift it and exercise it, but it would not go beyond a certain point and it was very painful. Each day, she would give it a try. Last weekend, she initiated this exercise routine, and SUDDENLY, she had full range of motion and there is no more pain!! When I came to her house, she said, excitedly, "Look! Look what I can do." I am so joyful and extremely grateful to God for touching her arm.
We prayed for months, fervently, to see this happen. I do not know why it took so long, but when it did happen, it was suddenly. It's as if our prayers finally got through and Heaven was opened up to our cry. Thank You, Lord.