Friday, February 13, 2009

Healed of Cancer

Our pastor shared a testimony with us this week, from a woman who is a mother of five children. She was recently in the hospital with cancer. After the surgery, the doctor told her, "I'm sorry. There is nothing more we can do for you." She wept and wept. She and her husband, needless to say, were so devastated. As she was praying later on, she heard God say, "Reach up. Reach up and grab hold of the prayers of the saints." She actually reached her hand up and was struck with great joy. She could not stop worshipping God and rejoicing. Six weeks later, she went in for a scan to see how far the cancer had spread. The news came back: "You have NO cancer."

Broken Neck Healed

A young man was brought to our youth group this past Wednesday night. He had broken his neck several weeks ago in a football game and had been in lots of pain and could not completely turn his head. The youth gathered around him and prayed. He had an intense experience with God in which he was COMPLETELY healed! No pain! Full range of motion! He accepted Jesus as his Saviour.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Miracles in Nicaragua

Here's the latest from our friend, Earl:
In the morning service, a 13 year old girl who was deaf and dumb, came forward for prayer after healings had already taken place, a first for that church. She was prayed for and then went to the bathroom Suddenly people heard screaming from the bathroom and it was the girl. Her ears had opened up and they began testing her hearing and she was hearing. Then she began to say her first clear words, ¨mama, papa¨. The whole church began crying, what a beautiful moment.
I was in the church of the cuban pastor in Managua yesterday with Pastor Harry and Jairo. We work as a team. Yes, we saw an old man who could not walk well begin walking and jumping up and down like a kid. Other miracles took place as we had the people praying for the sick. There was a man there who is in the parliament and was invited to come. The pastor asked me to pray for him and God touched him prophetically and in his life and he crumpled under the presence of God. Later, as we were praying for the people, I asked him to pray for others also. He was shocked but haltingly did so. After awhile he really got into it and I heard afterwards that he came up to a panamanian evangelist and said, ¨Hey, I am praying for people!! Iwant to pray for you too¨ And he did so and he was just thrilled to actually be a part of this and I also found out that he wants to also become a pastor.
A young man who came to help at the crusade received an impartation and embraced the message. His father was in a hospital dying and the family was weeping at the bedside. This young man, fresh from the crusade, went to his papa and declared the kingdom of God over him. The power of God touched his dad. The doctor came in and could not find anything wrong with him, had the machines to check him out and thought the machines were not functioning so he called in another doctor. The dad is up walking around.
A woman who had a disease for 14 years was prayed for by another christian. I do not know the name of the disease in Spanish but it was in her legs and it is very painful and causes the skin to be black and blue. After prayer the pain left and the skin turned back to its normal color.
Another woman asked God to take her life because she was in so much pain and felt a ball within herself she said. A christian prayed for her and all the pain left and she felt the ball dissolve and she was beaming.
An elderly woman had a stomach disease and could not eat. When prayed for she was healed and began asking for food to eat.
The Cuban pastor has been hearing the message and preached at another crusade Saturday and began to see miracles of healing for the first time like that.
Embracing the message, impartation through revelation along with praying for the leaders and believers is beginning to take place.
At the internet place I am at, an unsaved young woman asked Harry and I to pray for her 3 month old niece dying of a kidney infection in the hospital. I told her the testimony of the baby we prayed for over the phone in Hawaii and how God touched him and we just held hands and prayed. The next day she said that her niece did not die but got better and the doctor said it was a miracle.