Friday, June 20, 2008

Torn Pancreas Restored

A little boy in our church had a bicycle accident this month. The handlebar went into his abdomen, so he was taken to the ER where they found that his pancreas was almost completely severed. Also, his liver had a laceration. Things were looking grim and the doctors were preparing to do surgery to remove the pancreas. The father and mother prayed over their son, laying hands on his abdomen and asking God to restore everything. After having another MRI, the doctors returned to inform the parents that their son's pancreas was perfect! They could not explain how an almost completely severed pancreas returned to normal within 24 hours. Little Garrett is doing well!

New Knee

This past week, a woman in our church received a brand new knee cap due to prayer! The lady that was praying for her felt the knee cap forming underneath of her hand.

Broken Vertebrae Healed

My father-in-law fell and the x-rays/MRI showed a compression fracture in the L4 vertebrae. The doctor showed the difference between an "old break" and a new break. The doctors began preparing him for back surgery, but did a bone scan to check the depth of damage first. The bone scan revealed that there were no fractures or breaks....only an "old break," one of which the doctor had previously said was a "new break." Hmmm...well, it healed up in a hurry! Back surgery was cancelled from the plans.