Sunday, December 30, 2007

Brain Dead Man Awakes UPDATED

Yay!! I am so excited about this one. A man who attends our Friday night meetings has been struggling with some issues in his life, so he decided to mix heavy drinking with heavy narcotics to end his life on Christmas Eve. He was found on the side of the road, unconscious and not even breathing. He was taken to the hospital and put on a respirator while they did tests to see how long he had been in that condition so they could determine if there was any hope for him. It was decided that he had much brain damage and that he would not pull through, so our church was asked to begin making funeral arrangements. My husband, our pastor and youth pastor, along with another church came together in prayer for this man's life. The next day, he began moving. The day after that, he began looking around. This morning, our church joined together in prayer, once again, for his life, and I received a phone call tonight that he is awake, off the respirator, and conscious of what's going on. He remembers people and is already beginning to recall information that doctors did not think he could recall. Praise God for second chances!!

UPDATE: After several people prayed for him and read Scriptures to him, he became totally conscious, began speaking and was able to be released within a few days. He shows no signs of brain damage!! My husband spoke with him on the phone and was amazed.