Friday, November 30, 2007

God Heals Back Pain

My friend, Nanette, was instantly healed from an excruciating back pain that has lasted for several months. She had trouble breathing at times because of this pain. She decided to get people to pray for her one evening at church and she slept very well that night, waking up totally pain-free and the pain has not returned!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Stomach Condition Healed

We just received the following email:

Hi Pastor Bill,
John and I will not be able to attend the class tonight, but I wanted
to tell you that John was healed of his intestinal problems on Monday
night!!! Just to refresh you memory, for the past 6 weeks or so he has
been having stomach pains which get real bad when he eats...followed by
at least one trip to the bathroom after each meal...This happened each
time he ate!..we tried over the counter meds which didn't help and he
being the male he is wouldn't go to the doctor, expecting it to just go
away, which it didn't. If you recall he asked for prayer at Friday's
Shabbatt service...Anyway, Kip, his wife Jan (?) and I laid our tingly
hands on him on Monday night at the Supernatural class and by the next
day he could eat whatever he wanted with no pain and no after effects
in the bathroom. Please share this with the class tonight.

God is great!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

God Intervenes

My friend's brother was scheduled to go into chemotherapy as a radical treatment for his M.S. condition. My friend suddenly woke up at 4 a.m., hearing a voice that said, "The treatment will make him worse." She immediately called her brother and told him what she heard. She reminded him that she sent a worship C.D. and a cloth that she prayed over. He had not opened the package, so she begged him to do it immediately. Later, he called her to tell her that he played the C.D. and took out the cloth. He began weeping and had a vision of Jesus on the cross. He watched the blood running out from Jesus' feet. He felt different....peaceful....and full of God.

He then decided to have some type of body scan done to check some things out and during the scan, it pointed out something about a particular type of cell. The doctor said that they normally don't get info about that cell from the scan, so they were surprised at what the scan revealed. The info they received from the scan confirmed that if he were to do the chemotherapy, it would have destroyed him. He cancelled the appointment and is feeling much better!!